Monday, February 1, 2010

Get Fit Challenge 2010

Today I am starting a 90 day challenge with a bunch of other moms in my stroller strides group. It is called the Get Fit Challenge. It is a 3 month contest to see who can lose the most body fat and gain the most muscle mass. I also signed up for a 1/2 marathon on May today also marks the first day of training for that too! I am not a runner so going from not running to running 13.1 miles is going to be a hard (but achievable) goal. Woo hoo! I am super excited. Especially because I am doing this with a bunch of other mommy friends who are very supportive.

So today we all had to get "dunked". Getting "dunked" is a hydrostatic body test and is considered the best way to figure out your body fat/lean muscle mass. You hold your breath and dunk under water in this tank and it gives you a reading of your body fat and muscle percentage. They give you a printout of all the things you need to know, goal weight, goal body fat percentage, how many calories your body burns doing certain activities, and how many calories to consume per day to meet you goal!

My body fat percentage is 24%. They gave me a goal of 16% for the next 12 weeks which means I would need to lose about 12 lbs of fat! That seems ok..a pound a week! They also said that 22% would be just fine for me...but since this is a contest they gave me a lower goal. The winner gets the pool that everyone put $25 in to!

I have been working out a bunch so now I just need to get the eating part right...that is where I have always struggled! Anyone have any great tasting lowfat recipes???

Here is a "before" picture of me! I am going to spare you all the bikini picture that they took when I did the dunk. I may show you when I am all done and happy with my results....maybe!!!


  1. Okay, first of all, you look fantastic after 2 babies!
    Second of all, you go girl! I totally wish I could have done it, I'm so bummed that I work :(
    Yeah for the 1/2 you want to run the 5K in Riverside on the 20th? Baby steps!

  2. Jaymi, you look great already! good luck on the 1/2 marathon! you can do it! i need healthy recipes too!
