Tuesday, December 1, 2009

7 Months

Well I kind of dropped the ball on keeping up with exact dates. Gavin turned 7 months old on November 17th. I will just update you on how he is doing now though because I can't remember exactly what was going on a couple weeks ago. He has changed so much in the last couple weeks! He now has one little tooth popping up on his bottom gums and I can see the other one right below the surface. He is just about to crawl. He gets up on all fours and moves back and forth but can't figure out how to go. It will be any day now. I am not looking forward to having 2 mobile children in the house. Talan is hard enough to keep track of! He loves to eat. He can feed himself those little puff things and also those yogurt melt things (I can't think of the exact names) and he LOVES them. He is eating almost all the different baby foods, except I have yet to try meat...that just looks wrong to me. He is NOT sleeping through the night yet and I am praying for one night of good sleep. He gets up every couple hours and wants to eat! I wish he would take a pacifier sometimes. Not only that he does not nap either. He is a cat napper...complete opposite of Talan. Anyways, he is interested in everything too...always watching his brother and he is always smiling. I can't wait to see what the next couple months hold...


  1. Love the new blog template- so cute!

  2. He's so cute! Two mobile is hard work, and I can't imagine it being two mobile boys! Good luck with that!

    Kudos on having Thanksgiving AND a birthday party at your house same day AND dealing with children at the same time. Phew, I'm tired for you!
